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Presidents Update

Kia ora koutou,

It is a great feeling of achievement after each Annual General Meeting we hold as an organisation. Each one is full of interesting speakers and resolutions as well as a chance to see each other – albeit over a screen this year. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed in one way or another.

I was particularly pleased to welcome online our International BPW President Dr CatherineBosshart along with Asia Pacific Regional Coordinator Dr Narudee Kiengsiri and BPW Australian President Gillian Lewis. Thanks also to Past President Carolyn Savage, Asia Pacific Sub Regional Coordinator – Oceania for her presentations on the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Oceania, CSW and BPW Leadership forum in New York.

All resolutions were passed, and our work is cut out for us to follow up with letters to Ministers and preparing resolutions to put forward to BPW International Congress in St Kitts

in November 2024.

We are now working on the agenda for our Leadership Forum to be held at Butterfly Creek near Auckland Domestic Airport on Saturday 5 th October – please save the date and turn out in good numbers from our membership across the motu.

I wish to finish with acknowledging Life Member and Past President Joan Bielby who recently turned 90 years old. BPW NZ wished her well on behalf of all members – our message was read to her on 5 th May by Past President Faye Gardiner (see item in this publication) and her

work in BPW was covered by Past President Angela McLeod.

I encourage you to attend as many virtual meetings as you can through BPW. You will not be disappointed and there is such a variety of speakers and topics that I know you will find something interesting and will increase your knowledge and understanding, enriching your lives. Often these meetings are only for one hour – so will not intrude too much into your private lives.

I will continue to deliver my highest value through compelling influence.

Nga Mihi Nui

President Janet

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